[ETS 2024]: Pyxie Print’s business is so new that we need to explain the full range of our services to _____________ clients.
[ETS 2024]: Before signing a delivery _____________, be sure to double-check that all the items ordered are in the shipment.
[ETS 2024]: In its _____________ advertising campaign, Jaymor Tools demonstrates how reliable its products are.
[ETS 2024]: The company handbook outlines the high _____________ that employees are expected to meet every day.
[ETS 2024]: Zahn Flooring has the widest selection of _____________ in the United Kingdom.
[ETS 2019]: Before the computers leave the factory, they are _____________ thoroughly to ensure they have no defects.
[ETS 2019]: The poll shows how often company executives make financial decisions that are _____________ by employee opinions.
[ETS 2019]: All identifying information has been _____________ from this letter of complaint so that it can be used for training purposes.
[ETS 2019]: Ms. Hyun is reviewing the training manual to see if updates _____________.
[ETS 2024]: Phone orders that are _____________ to local stores by 11:00 a.m. are eligible for same-day pickup.
[ETS 2019]: With the Gema XTI binoculars, users can _____________ see objects that are more than 100meters away.
[ETS 2019]: Lasner Electronics' staff have extensive _____________ of current hardware systems.
[ETS 2024]: Likoni Hospitality Group, one of Mombasa’s largest employers, has a _____________ impact on the local economy.
[ETS 2024]: Kaybing Construction works _____________ on large commercial projects in the Newfoundland are a.
[ETS 2024]: To make room for conference attendees, _____________ visitors to the office building should use the rear parking area tomorrow.
[ETS 2024]: To boost _____________, the Makeup Artist Academy is offering a free starter kit to new students.
[ETS 2024]: By switching to new project-management software, the editorial team has _____________ improved its publication processes.
[ETS 2024]: During his term as a legislator, Jeremy Moran _____________ promoted public awareness of the need for infrastructure improvements.
[ETS 2024]: Our app includes a _____________ so that users can determine whether they are within their budget goals.
[ETS 2024]: Leeann’s Organic Fruit Spreads can be purchased _____________ from the company’s Web site.
[ETS 2024]: Mr. Telguld submitted the _____________ surveys before the monthly board meeting.
[ETS 2024]: Corners Gym offers its members a free lesson in how to use _____________ properly.
[ETS 2024]: Mr. Moscowitz is _____________ that Dr. Tanaka will agree to present the keynote speech at this year's conference.
[ETS 2024]: Tabrinos has _____________ increased the number of almonds in the Nut Medley snack pack.
[ETS 2024]: Eighty percent of drivers surveyed said they would consider buying a vehicle that runs on _____________.
[ETS 2024]: The new printer operates more _____________ than the previous model did.
[ETS 2024]: The meeting notes were _____________ deleted, but Mr. Hahm was able to recreate them from memory.
[ETS 2024]: As a former publicist for several renowned orchestras, Mr. Wu would excel in the role of event _____________.
[ETS 2024]: Project manager Hannah Chung has proved to be very _____________ with completing company projects.
[ETS 2024]: Our skilled tailors are happy to design a custom-made suit that fits your style and budget _____________.
[ETS 2024]: Hawson Furniture will be making _____________ on the east side of town on Thursday.
[ETS 2024]: Wheel alignments and brake system _____________ are part of our vehicle service plan.
[ETS 2024]: Wexler Store’s management team expects that employees will _____________ support any new hires.
[ETS 2024]: One responsibility of the IT department is to ensure that the company is using _____________ software.
[ETS 2024]: Passengers who will be taking a _____________ domestic flight should go to Terminal A.
[ETS 2019]: Belden Hospital's chief of staff meets regularly with the staff to ensure that procedures _____________ correctly.
[ETS 2019]: Over the past ten years, Bellworth Medical Clinic _____________ Atlan Protection officers for all security needs.
[ETS 2019]: A special sale on stationery _____________ on the Write Things Website yesterday.
[ETS 2019]: The lease with The Pawlicki Group _____________ if modifications to the existing offices are made.
[ETS 2019]: Consumers _____________ enthusiastically to the new colors developed by Sanwell Paint.
[ETS 2019]: After the team meeting next week, Ms. Li _____________ whether the project deadline needs to be change d.
[ETS 2019]: The grocery store _____________ vegetables from out of town until local prices went down last month.
[ETS 2019]: Mr. Hodges _____________ that volunteers sign up to assist with the Hannock River cleanup by Friday.
[ETS 2019]: While he is not enthusiastic about the suggestions, Mr. Shang _____________ them.
[ETS 2019]: Mr. Khana made a phone call yesterday during which he _____________ for the delay in the shipment of the clothing order.
[ETS 2019]: AGU Group's insurance rates have remained steady _____________ the last three years.
[ETS 2024]: Mr. Perez _____________ as an industrial engineer at Gaberly Logistics for almost twenty years.
[ETS 2024]: Ms. Okada is _____________ a new social media campaign at the request of our office manager.
[ETS 2024]: Mr. Barrientos has worked at the company _____________ six years.
[ETS 2024]: We cannot send the store's coupon booklet to the printers until it _____________ by Ms. Jeon.
[ETS 2024]: Growth in the home entertainment industry has been _____________ this quarter.
[ETS 2019]: The vice president of Chestonville Bank believes that _____________ employees is vital to the company's success.
[ETS 2019]: The Klassin Group's booth at the Liberty Architecture Expo has garnered much _____________.
[ETS 2019]: Jesper Associates currently has _____________ with 26 different food suppliers.
[ETS 2019]: The conference fee _____________ admittance to more than twenty workshops and seminars.
[ETS 2019]: A record number of appliance _____________ came into the Port of Reece last month.
[ETS 2019]: _____________ client is assigned to a personal financial adviser to whom inquiries should be addresse d.
[ETS 2024]: Most picture _____________ at Glowing Photo Lab go on sale at 3:00 P.M. today.
[ETS 2024]: Anyone who still _____________ to take the fire safety training should do so before the end of the month.
[ETS 2024]: Fresh and _____________ apple-cider donuts are available at Oakcrest Orchard's retail shop for £6 per dozen.
[ETS 2024]: An Oswald Hardware associate will _____________ place an order for customers who need larger quantities than what is in stock.
[ETS 2024]: Safiles new external hard drive can _____________ store up to one terabyte of dat a.
[ETS 2019]: Depending on your answers to the survey, we _____________ you to collect additional information.
[ETS 2019]: Your order cannot _____________ until we have received full payment.
[ETS 2019]: Written permission must _____________ before using Thavor Corporation's logo.
[ETS 2019]: Mr. Tang is a successful recruiter because he can quickly _____________ talented sales agents from the rest.
[ETS 2019]: Customers must _____________ review the terms of the fitness center's membership agreement before they sign it.
[ETS 2024]: Companies without information technology specialists can _____________ on Vyber Software Advisers for assistance with online services.
[ETS 2024]: Kennedy Sports will _____________ its end-of-season sale through the month of January.
[ETS 2019]: As the rental agreement with the Smith Group is set _____________ soon, the available office space can be advertise d.
[ETS 2019]: Online shoppers who experience long waits for their orders tend _____________ the business low ratings.
[ETS 2019]: _____________ assemble your Gessen product, first read all instructions and gather all required tools.
[ETS 2019]: The actors held an additional rehearsal _____________ perfect their performance in the final scene.
[ETS 2019]: In preparation for Mr. Kumar’s retirement at the end of March, the Carolex Corporation will need to _____________ a new facilities director.
[ETS 2024]: Carly Logan plans _____________, so Alan Zill has volunteered to be the stamp club’s next treasurer.
[ETS 2024]: The management team at Otto Corporation offers incentives _____________ employee productivity.
[ETS 2024]: We hired Noah Wan of Shengyao Accounting Ltd _____________ our company's financial assets.
[ETS 2019]: The technology department _____________ to purchase three new servers next year.